Je veux être riche et célèbre, je serai artiste, by Dominique de Font-Réaulx
Youngsters often dream about being rich and famous, or even better, about becoming famous artists! But what does it really mean to be an artist What does it take And ...
I Wanna Be Rich And Famous, I’m Gonna Be an Artist!

Le livre est un livre est un livre, by Mathilde Jamain and Denis Gombert, illustrated by Léa Louis
The book is such a commonplace object! And yet, so important It is always there, in our pocket, next to our bed or in our suitcase But why are we ...
The Book Is A Book Is A Book

Les Contes de l'olivier : contes juifs et arabes réunis, Catherine Gendrin and Judith Gueyfier
Jewish and Arab tales of brotherhood and peace This book of stories brings together two cultures that are usually hostile to one another, with stories ...
The Olive Tree Tales, Jewish and Arab tales in one volume

Blue et les grands jours maudits, by Nancy Guilbert
At once an adventure tale, dystopian fiction and alternate history, Blue and the Days of Damnation follows Blue and her brother-in-arms Zian in their struggles to prevent oppressive ...
Blue And The Days Of Damnation

Le mystère de l’eucalyptus, by Paul Cox
On Rastepappe Island, the koalas from Koalatown and the badgers from Badgertown live peacefully and enjoy each other’s company Koalatown inhabitants love to go to the opera and ...
Archibald and the Mystery of the Eucalyptus