Merci au loup de Sibérie, by Albane Gellé and Nathalie Dieterlé
An enthusiastic gaze at the living world that can be easily shared by young and old alike Here is a gentle eruption of gratitude to all those wonders of nature that sometimes live ...
Thank You To The Siberian Wolf

Si tu regardes longtemps la terre, by Jean-Pierre Siméon and Laurent Corvaisier
Here are 50 simple thoughts that have come to Jean-Pierre Siméon while he was out walking: “Silence is sad No one listens to it anymore” “Call your fear ...
If You Look Closely at the World

Quelques gouttes de pluie sur la terre, by Abbas Kiarostami, illustrated by Hoda Hadadi
55 simple and luminous haïkus by the great Iranian artist Abbas Kiarostami, with drawings by one of Iran’s most talented illustrators
breaks a ...
A Few Drops of Rain on the Earth

Les coquelicots savent-ils qu'ils sont fragiles by Alain Serres, illustrated by Judith Gueyfier
Short poems in the form of questions and answers, which children can continue, following the same fun principle The simple words of Alain Serres make ...
Do Poppies Know that They are Fragile?

Ceci est un poème qui guérit les poissons, by Jean-Pierre Siméon, ill Olivier Tallec
To heal Leon, his ill gold fish, Arthur must read him a poem But is there anybody on this earth that can explain to Arthur what a poem is The baker, the ...
This Is a Poem that Heals Fishes

Poèmes cueillis dans la forêt de vos yeux, by Françoise Lison-Leroy, illustrated by Nathalie Novi
40 first names and as many short forms on what the poet has read in the eyes of children A bit of the hidden life of each one, a bit of their ...
Poems Gathered in the Forest of your Eyes

Les idées sont de drôles de bestioles, by Isabelle Simler
What’s in an idea Where do ideas come from, what do they do, and where do they go Isabelle Simler uses her poetic vision and airy, delicate strokes to bring the creative process to ...
Ideas Are The Weirdest Creatures

Si les poètes étaient moins bêtes, by Boris Vian and illustrated by Serge Bloch
Boris Vian liked to provoke! To mark the centenary of his birth, here he lays down the gauntlet to poets, laughing at himself at the same time A ...
If Poets Weren’t Such Fools

Mon premier livre de poèmes du monde, by various poets and illustrated by 15 artists from here, there and the world over
Poetry is the most beautiful way to experience the world, and this collection offers a first invitation to ...
My First Book Of World Poems