Louise de New-York, l'Actrichanteuse, by Jean Poderos, illustrations by Gaia Guarino
You’ve been missing her Here she comes again, Louise of New York, the little girl with her head full of stories! This time, Louise puts on a show ...
Louise of New-York, the Singactress

Le Petit Chaperon rouge, la scène de la chemise de nuit, by Jean-Luc Buquet
We all know the story Little Red Riding Hood meets the wolf in the woods He shows her the longest way to go to Grand-Ma’s, takes the shortest way, imitates Little Red ...
Little Red Riding Hood – the scene of the nightgown

Retire ce doigt de ton nez!, by Lionel Koechlin
A collection of 50 basic rules on how to behave in public, explored in a lighthearted way This punchy, slightly tongue-in-cheek guide takes a fresh look at 50 everyday precepts, explaining ...
Stop Picking Your Nose! A Funky Guide to Good Manners

Les aventures de Dolorès Wilson,Hypnose au château, by Mathis and illustrations by Aurore Petit
A new series of illustrated mini-novels for early readers Meet Dolores Wilson, intrepid temporary worker, and follow her in fantastic and hilarious ...
Dolores Wilson – The Castle of Hypnosis

Les aventures de Dolorès Wilson, Panique au Mini-Market, by Mathis and illustrations by Aurore Petit
A new series of illustrated mini-novels for early readers
Meet Dolores Wilson, intrepid temporary worker, and follow her in fantastic and ...
Dolores Wilson – Panic at the Mini-Market

Mon kit passion, les Chevaux, illustrations and photographs by Audrey Gessat
A kit for passionate who enjoy learning as much as playing An ingenious manufacturing that offers the advantages of a box while looking like a book, easy to store in ...
My Passion kit – Passion for horses