Vite, vite, vite, by Clotilde Perrin
This is a story that travels at 1000 miles an hour… until everything changes! The alarm clock goes off and our little hero leaps out of bed, gets dressed and brushes his teeth in two shakes of a lamb’s tail, forgetting to have his breakfast. He races off to meet his friends and the day gets off to a flying start . . . on board an express bus. His journey continues on a speedboat that runs aground, and then it’s a frenetic race to try to board an ultrasonic plane! But our hero can’t run fast enough yet . . . There’s nothing for it but turn back.
And then, plodding home alone, he can finally listen to the cat’s purring, feel a drop of rain on his skin and watch the plane fly into the distance! Once home, he has all the time in the world to savour the delicious sound of a spoonful of jam gliding over a slice of bread. This clever little book invites us to appreciate life’s simple pleasures, those tiny everyday moments that are so precious, and to have the courage to slow down!
Hardcover picture book, 32 x 12 cm, 24 pages
Rights: Catalan, Dutch, German, Italian, Korean, Spanish (world)