1, 2, 3 étoiles! Je compte dans la nature, by Anne-Sophie Baumann and Anne-Lise Boutin
This unusual picture book invites children to explore the world of figures and big numbers: from zero for a worm's paws, to 10 pips hidden in an apple, to ...
1, 2, 3 Stars! Counting Nature

Korczak pour que vivent les enfants, by Philippe Meirieu and Pef
Very few books are designed to help children think about their education This book explores the career of Janusz Korczak, a doctor and gifted educator who was a tireless champion ...
Korczak-Long Live the Children

Babak, le jour où ton cheval est né, by Alain Serres and Vanessa Hié
The illustrations in this volume show each stage of a single painting that grows more complex with every page As readers follow the “birth” of this work, they’re also ...
Babak, the Day your Horse was Born

Un Enfant, c'est comme ça! by Alain Serres and Silvia Bonanni
What are children like This highly imaginative collage book attempts to define what it means to be a child, both seriously and with humour A strong text that can be read aloud, even ...
That’s What Children Are Like

Wangari Maathai, la Femme qui plante des millions d'arbres, by Franck Prévot and Aurélia Fronty
Magnificent colours and lines bring children on the steps of this uncommon Kenyan woman who became Peace Nobel Price Wangari Maathai was much more ...
Wangari Maathai, The Woman who Plants Millions of Trees

Mandela, l'Africain multicolore, by Alain Serres and illustrated by Zaü
20 years ago, Nelson Mandela was set free after 27 years in prison He was to become the first black president of South Africa From the fields of his childhood to the supreme ...
Mandela, the Multicoloured African

Une cuisine qui sent bon les soupes du monde, by Alain Serres and Aurélia Fronty
Soup is universal – around the world, it is a symbol both of celebration and of day-to-day life But it is always shared! Warming, heart-warming, soups bring ...
Soups from Around the World

Une cuisine tout en chocolat! by Alain Serres, ill by Nathalie Novi
Childhood, chocolate and imagination: three ingredients that complement each other with pleasure in this large picture book, designed with warm colours There are 40 recipes: ...
A Whole Cook Book on Chocolate

Le Loup qui avait toujours faim, by Eric Battut
This wolf really has a voracious appetite He devours everything, everywhere, all the time : wild boars, mountains, forests
And inevitably he gets fatter with every meal ! Why not go on a diet He ...
The Wolf that was Always Hungry

La petite école de l'imagination, by Alain Serres
This boxed set features 15 large-format illustrations and 30 tokens that serve as visual prompts to stimulate children’s imagination: children choose an image, take a token and then invent ...
The Little School of the Imagination

À bas le coton, vive l'illustration, by Solenn Larnicol
Solenn Larnicol’s picture diary is a witty account of her life as a young illustrator Drawing all night, selling linens all day: it’s not easy being a young artist! The author reveals ...
Down with Cotton, Long Live Illustration

L'enfant qui savait lire les animaux, bestiary illustrated by Zaü, text by Alain Serres
A captivating book for animal lovers and art enthusiasts Zaü’s animals all have a powerful presence and exude a quiet serenity Accompanied by a few simple ...
The Child Who Could Read the Animals

Martin et Rosa, ensemble pour l'égalité, by Raphaële Frier and Zaü
ML King and R Parks: the overlapping stories of two key figures who spoke out against racial segregation Their shared battle begins with the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 The ...
Martin and Rosa, United for Equality

Et Picasso peint Guernica, by Alain Serres
This exceptional large-format picture book, which explains to children Picasso's howl of outrage against war, is about both a work of art and a life It describes the genesis of Picasso's brilliant ...
And Picasso Paints Guernica