Si tu regardes longtemps la terre, by Jean-Pierre Siméon and Laurent Corvaisier
Here are 50 simple thoughts that have come to Jean-Pierre Siméon while he was out walking: “Silence is sad No one listens to it anymore” “Call your fear ...
If You Look Closely at the World

Tortue, grand roseau et petit clou, by Anne Terral and Géraldine Alibeu
On the island, Turtle, who is very, very old, has the feeling her life is coming to an end She brings together all her friends, Beaver, Otter, Toad and Po, Toad’s son, ...
Turtle, Big Reed and Little Nail

Histoire de la petite pomme qui ne voulait pas être mangée, by Bertrand Ruillé and Mila Boutan
Once upon a time on an apple tree, there was a little green apple that didn’t want to grow up because she didn’t want to be eaten In the ...
The Story of the Little Apple That Didn’t Want to be Eaten

Petits enfants, grands lecteurs, by Joëlle Turin and Nathalie Virnot
Today, everybody knows that very young children love stories, no matter if they’re real or made up They love to read stories and to listen to them When too young to read ...
Young Children, Great Readers

Charlie le hérisson, ministre des inondations, by Callie, illustrated by Anna Griot
When his island is flooded by torrential rain, Charlie the Hedgehog finds himself named minister of floods Peopled with the most unexpected of characters, ...
Charlie the Hedgehog, Minister of Floods