Les aventures de Dolorès Wilson,Hypnose au château, by Mathis and illustrations by Aurore Petit
A new series of illustrated mini-novels for early readers Meet Dolores Wilson, intrepid temporary worker, and follow her in fantastic and hilarious ...
Dolores Wilson – The Castle of Hypnosis

Les aventures de Dolorès Wilson, Panique au Mini-Market, by Mathis and illustrations by Aurore Petit
A new series of illustrated mini-novels for early readers
Meet Dolores Wilson, intrepid temporary worker, and follow her in fantastic and ...
Dolores Wilson – Panic at the Mini-Market

Mon kit passion, les Chevaux, illustrations and photographs by Audrey Gessat
A kit for passionate who enjoy learning as much as playing An ingenious manufacturing that offers the advantages of a box while looking like a book, easy to store in ...
My Passion kit – Passion for horses

Mon kit passion, la Danse, illustrations and photographs by Audrey Gessat
A kit for passionate who enjoy learning as much as playing An ingenious manufacturing that offers the advantages of a box while looking like a book, easy to store in ...
My Passion kit – Passion for Dance

Jeux et activités d'intérieur, by Stéphanie Jaunet and Valérie Carreno
This title offers activities for boys and girls to make paper creations, learn how to draw, share scientific experiments, investigate, learn magic tricks, and have fun ...
Activity book – Indoor Games and Activities

Jeux et activités d'extérieur, by Stéphanie Jaunet and Valérie Carreno
This title offers activities for boys and girls to make up challenges, organise picnics, play in nature, and have fun outside!
Each activity is presented as a ...
Activity book – Outdoor Games and Activities

L'Invention du dictionnaire, by Frédéric Marais and Jean Lecointre
To celebrate the 419th anniversary of the creation of the dictionary, Marais and Lecointre tell us about its origins…
At the dawn of the world, the Earth was delivered to ...
The Invention of the Dictionary

La Nouvelle petite bibliothèque imaginaire, by Alain Serres and 26 illustrators
Make up your own stories using this inspiring kit packed with 26 imaginary book covers Readers are given a title, dummy front and back covers and promotional ...
The New Little Library of the Imagination

Des deux côtés du monde, by Susana Robledo, wood engravings by Renaud Perrin
A superb collection of woodcut illustrations, printed in two different colours, tells the moving tale of two children whose paths cross against the backdrop of ...
From the Opposite Sides of the World

Je ne pense qu'à ça, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux and Monike Czarnecki
At school, some call 12-year-old Ismaïl "queer", but he doesn't understand and the teasing really disturbs him He spends his days constantly wondering and worrying about ...
I Can Only Think About That

Eliott et Nestor, l'heure du matin, by Mélanie Rutten
It's summer time Eliott has convinced Nestor to go on travelling with him On their way, Nestor's bad mood and small habits are getting on Eliott's nerves Nestor finds his friend too ...
Eliott and Nestor, Morning Time

1, 2, 3 étoiles! Je compte dans la nature, by Anne-Sophie Baumann and Anne-Lise Boutin
This unusual picture book invites children to explore the world of figures and big numbers: from zero for a worm's paws, to 10 pips hidden in an apple, to ...
1, 2, 3 Stars! Counting Nature

Korczak pour que vivent les enfants, by Philippe Meirieu and Pef
Very few books are designed to help children think about their education This book explores the career of Janusz Korczak, a doctor and gifted educator who was a tireless champion ...
Korczak-Long Live the Children

L'Herbier: petite flore des bois d'Europe, by Emilie Vast
Here is Emilie Vast’s new herbarium on the small flora from woods in Europe Both a botanical treatise and a beautiful book of images, it shows the plant with the details of its leave, ...
L’herbier – Small Wood Flora in Europe

Babak, le jour où ton cheval est né, by Alain Serres and Vanessa Hié
The illustrations in this volume show each stage of a single painting that grows more complex with every page As readers follow the “birth” of this work, they’re also ...
Babak, the Day your Horse was Born

Et si Tout ça n'était qu'un rêve, by Thierry Lenain and Irène Bonacina
Radhija is a girl who wonders: “and if I was just someone’s dream, of someone who dreams And when he wakes up, I may not exist anymore" She thus asks her mother, her ...
And if all this Was just a Dream

Wangari Maathai, la Femme qui plante des millions d'arbres, by Franck Prévot and Aurélia Fronty
Magnificent colours and lines bring children on the steps of this uncommon Kenyan woman who became Peace Nobel Price Wangari Maathai was much more ...
Wangari Maathai, The Woman who Plants Millions of Trees