Les Contes de l'olivier : contes juifs et arabes réunis, Catherine Gendrin and Judith Gueyfier
Jewish and Arab tales of brotherhood and peace This book of stories brings together two cultures that are usually hostile to one another, with stories ...
The Olive Tree Tales, Jewish and Arab tales in one volume

Contes des ours et des loups, by Patrick Fischmann and Bruno Pilorget
Fear, strength, power and poetry are common threads found in the world’s folk cultures, with tales from the Rom and the Native American peoples, and from Russia, ...
Tales of Bears and Wolves from around the World

L'histoire de la petite fille qui marchait toute seule dans la neige, by Patrick Fischmann and illustrated by Aurélia Fronty
“This is an ancient tale preserved by an old owl in the hollow of a tree even older than him A tale ...
The Story Of The Little Girl Who Walked Alone In The Snow

Le Petit Chaperon rouge, la scène de la chemise de nuit, by Jean-Luc Buquet
We all know the story Little Red Riding Hood meets the wolf in the woods He shows her the longest way to go to Grand-Ma’s, takes the shortest way, imitates Little Red ...
Little Red Riding Hood – the scene of the nightgown