L'esclave qui parlait aux oiseaux, by Yves Pinguilly and Zaü
Alexandre wants to know more about his friend Mariama’s African origins Mariama tells him about the rainy season, the savannah, and the long and terrible history
She ...
The Slave Who Talked to the Birds

Genouilles voraces et grasses limaces, by Anne Zeum
In Gusto’s vegetable garden, frogs and slugs get prepared to lead a green revolution against pest control !
Gusto has the best cabbages and peas in his garden The slugs are crazy ...
Greedy Frogs And Fatty Slugs

Wangari Maathai, la Femme qui plante des millions d'arbres, by Franck Prévot and Aurélia Fronty
Magnificent colours and lines bring children on the steps of this uncommon Kenyan woman who became Peace Nobel Price Wangari Maathai was much more ...
Wangari Maathai, The Woman who Plants Millions of Trees