La Cité 2: La Bataille des confins, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux
Polly is the narrator of this second volume She lives on a tiny British island and The City is her dream: freedom! Under the pseudonym Liza, she meets with Arthur, JC and Harry ...
The City, Book 2: The Battle of The Outer Limits

La Cité, Volume 1: La Lumière Blanche, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux
Warning n°1: if you read this book, your suffering will be harsh, waiting for the next four books to come
Warning n°2: In THE CITY, never talk about your life outside the ...
The City, Book 1: The White Light

Korczak pour que vivent les enfants, by Philippe Meirieu and Pef
Very few books are designed to help children think about their education This book explores the career of Janusz Korczak, a doctor and gifted educator who was a tireless champion ...
Korczak-Long Live the Children

L'Herbier: petite flore des bois d'Europe, by Emilie Vast
Here is Emilie Vast’s new herbarium on the small flora from woods in Europe Both a botanical treatise and a beautiful book of images, it shows the plant with the details of its leave, ...
L’herbier – Small Wood Flora in Europe

Mandela, l'Africain multicolore, by Alain Serres and illustrated by Zaü
20 years ago, Nelson Mandela was set free after 27 years in prison He was to become the first black president of South Africa From the fields of his childhood to the supreme ...
Mandela, the Multicoloured African

Une cuisine qui sent bon les soupes du monde, by Alain Serres and Aurélia Fronty
Soup is universal – around the world, it is a symbol both of celebration and of day-to-day life But it is always shared! Warming, heart-warming, soups bring ...
Soups from Around the World

Une cuisine tout en chocolat! by Alain Serres, ill by Nathalie Novi
Childhood, chocolate and imagination: three ingredients that complement each other with pleasure in this large picture book, designed with warm colours There are 40 recipes: ...
A Whole Cook Book on Chocolate

À bas le coton, vive l'illustration, by Solenn Larnicol
Solenn Larnicol’s picture diary is a witty account of her life as a young illustrator Drawing all night, selling linens all day: it’s not easy being a young artist! The author reveals ...
Down with Cotton, Long Live Illustration

L'enfant qui savait lire les animaux, bestiary illustrated by Zaü, text by Alain Serres
A captivating book for animal lovers and art enthusiasts Zaü’s animals all have a powerful presence and exude a quiet serenity Accompanied by a few simple ...
The Child Who Could Read the Animals

Le petit livre des souvenirs, by Kate Greenaway
This book was a bestseller between the 1880s and 1900s Charming colour plates for each month, one small illustration for each day, a verse and then some blank space to fill in with important events ...
Kate Greenaway’s Birthday Book

De l'origine des mathématiques, by Clémence Gandillot
If men find mathematics difficult, it is their own fault Clémence Gandillot ends her short essay on mathematics with this sententious conclusion And it perfectly summarizes her ideas: ...
About the Origin of Mathematics

Je serai les yeux de la terre, Photographs by Altitude, text by Alain Serres, illustrations by Zaü Foreword by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Using a mix of aerial photographies, drawings and texts, three artists instill in children and their parents ...
I Will Be the Eyes of the Earth

Une Cuisine grande comme un jardin, by Alain Serres, ill by Martin Jarrie
A unique way to ...
A Cook Book as Big as a Garden