Les petits caractères, by Charlotte Janvier
Bananas are smiling, Apricots seem intimidated, Persimmon looks very angry and Fennel is sorrowful In the vegetable garden and the orchard, each piece of fruit or vegetable has its own ...
Fruits and Veggies Big Personalities

Petit pêcheur, grand appétit, by Suzy Vergez
A little fisherman living on an island used to catch one fish for the whole family to share but as time passed his appetite got bigger So he made larger and larger nets to bring in a bigger ...
Little Fisherman, Big Appetite

La petite épicerie de Marcel et Joachim, by Ingela P Arrhenius
A first non-fiction series for toddlers to learn and play shop!
Three-dimensional little books to handle, with thick foamy pages They are shaped like objects, between books and ...
Marcel et Joachim’s Grocery Shop

Une cuisine qui sent bon les soupes du monde, by Alain Serres and Aurélia Fronty
Soup is universal – around the world, it is a symbol both of celebration and of day-to-day life But it is always shared! Warming, heart-warming, soups bring ...
Soups from Around the World