L'image à venir, mémoires d'un collectionneur, by Pierre Apraxine with Jean Poderos
Pierre Apraxine was a visionary, a trailblazer who was among the first col- lectors to dedicate his life to unearthing long-forgotten masterpieces of ...
The Coming Image, A Collector’s Memoir

L'étrange collection de Mamita, by Thomas Medard and Lisbeth Renardy
Behind each collection, there’s a collector And behind each collector, there’s a story to tell!
To collect stuff is the action of gathering a whole lot of objects ...
The Strange Collection of Mamita

La guerre en mille morceaux, ou le petit musée du soldat Machin, by Alain Serres and Zaü
This 100-page picture book tells us about the war of this hairy man who,one day in August 1914, had to leave his field, his family and his horses The story ...
The War in a Thousand Pieces

Ce qui nous rassemble, by Noé Carlain, illustrated by Sandra Poirot Cherif
This book lists all that brings people together, all those little everyday things and gestures A moving sentiment in these times of divided societies, enabling us to ...
Things That Bring Us Together