Des deux côtés du monde, by Susana Robledo, wood engravings by Renaud Perrin
A superb collection of woodcut illustrations, printed in two different colours, tells the moving tale of two children whose paths cross against the backdrop of ...
From the Opposite Sides of the World

Je ne pense qu'à ça, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux and Monike Czarnecki
At school, some call 12-year-old Ismaïl "queer", but he doesn't understand and the teasing really disturbs him He spends his days constantly wondering and worrying about ...
I Can Only Think About That

Eliott et Nestor, l'heure du matin, by Mélanie Rutten
It's summer time Eliott has convinced Nestor to go on travelling with him On their way, Nestor's bad mood and small habits are getting on Eliott's nerves Nestor finds his friend too ...
Eliott and Nestor, Morning Time

La Cité 2: La Bataille des confins, by Karim Ressouni-Demigneux
Polly is the narrator of this second volume She lives on a tiny British island and The City is her dream: freedom! Under the pseudonym Liza, she meets with Arthur, JC and Harry ...
The City, Book 2: The Battle of The Outer Limits