Nous allons au bois, by Junko Nakamura
“Let’s Go in the Woods” treats its young readers to a trip mixing pages of action and reflexion. Past the brook, we come across blueberries. A double silent page lets us then admire the lake before we make our way back home. The blueberries are used for a tart and the circle is complete, mixing the fun of this adventure and daily life.
In the same format: Il faut que j’y aille

“I need to go” exclaims a kitten. But, before he does, he needs to prepare and carefully select his supplies. All done, the adventure can start. Our intrepid kitten goes on a tour of the house on his own and ventures forth …into the kitchen. This story may not take the character on a faraway journey but depicts his determination to experience freedom.
2 titles, 16 pages board books, 15 x 21.5 cm