L'enfant qui savait lire les animaux, bestiary illustrated by Zaü, text by Alain Serres
A captivating book for animal lovers and art enthusiasts Zaü’s animals all have a powerful presence and exude a quiet serenity Accompanied by a few simple ...
The Child Who Could Read the Animals

Louise de New York, la détective, by Jean Poderos, ill by Gaia Guarino
Y o u d o n ’ t k n o w Louise of New York Louise is a great detective Doesn’t matter how old and ugly she is, because she has solved many cases and clues Together with ...
Louise of New York, the Detective

Le petit livre des souvenirs, by Kate Greenaway
This book was a bestseller between the 1880s and 1900s Charming colour plates for each month, one small illustration for each day, a verse and then some blank space to fill in with important events ...
Kate Greenaway’s Birthday Book

Les aventures improbables de Peter et Herman, by Delphine Jacquot
Answer Peter the mole and Herman the stork’s invitation to travel, including sea landings, love and absurd adventures with 25 stopovers!
Peter, an artist mole, and Herman, a ...
The Improbable Adventures of Peter and Herman

Pedro Crocodile et George Alligator, by Delphine Perret
If you are the kind of reader who is “a little sweet but good to eat”-meaning you are under twenty- and if you can’t recognize a crocodile from an alligator: this book is meant for ...
Pedro Crocodile and George Alligator