L'Herbier: petite flore des bois d'Europe, by Emilie Vast
Here is Emilie Vast’s new herbarium on the small flora from woods in Europe Both a botanical treatise and a beautiful book of images, it shows the plant with the details of its leave, ...
L’herbier – Small Wood Flora in Europe

Une cuisine qui sent bon les soupes du monde, by Alain Serres and Aurélia Fronty
Soup is universal – around the world, it is a symbol both of celebration and of day-to-day life But it is always shared! Warming, heart-warming, soups bring ...
Soups from Around the World

Une cuisine tout en chocolat! by Alain Serres, ill by Nathalie Novi
Childhood, chocolate and imagination: three ingredients that complement each other with pleasure in this large picture book, designed with warm colours There are 40 recipes: ...
A Whole Cook Book on Chocolate