Une cuisine tout en chocolat! by Alain Serres, ill by Nathalie Novi
Childhood, chocolate and imagination: three ingredients that complement each other with pleasure in this large picture book, designed with warm colours There are 40 recipes: ...
A Whole Cook Book on Chocolate

Martin et Rosa, ensemble pour l'égalité, by Raphaële Frier and Zaü
ML King and R Parks: the overlapping stories of two key figures who spoke out against racial segregation Their shared battle begins with the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 The ...
Martin and Rosa, United for Equality

Et Picasso peint Guernica, by Alain Serres
This exceptional large-format picture book, which explains to children Picasso's howl of outrage against war, is about both a work of art and a life It describes the genesis of Picasso's brilliant ...
And Picasso Paints Guernica

Le Ginkgo, le plus vieil arbre du monde, by Alain Serres, ill Zaü
This title explores a unique plant, the ginkgo biloba, also known as maidenhair tree
It has all of a great figure, coming across time and through ages, seeking its origins long ...
Ginkgo, the Oldest Tree in The World

Tous les humains ont les mêmes droits, by Marie-Agnès Combesque, ill Clotilde Perrin
The 1948 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights explained to children
The complete Declaration is reproduced in the book, while each page highlights two ...
All the Humans Have the Same Rights

Une Cuisine grande comme un jardin, by Alain Serres, ill by Martin Jarrie
A unique way to ...
A Cook Book as Big as a Garden