Les idées sont de drôles de bestioles, by Isabelle Simler
What’s in an idea Where do ideas come from, what do they do, and where do they go Isabelle Simler uses her poetic vision and airy, delicate strokes to bring the creative process to ...
Ideas Are The Weirdest Creatures

C'est ainsi que nous habitons le monde, by Alain Serres and illustrated by Nathalie Novi
A budding botanist shares his discovery with us: an animal, a human and a plant – this is the beating heart of the world! The young ...
This Is How We Live In The World

Mille dessins dans un encrier, by Alain Serres and Zaü
Three children are fascinated by the artist working in their apartment building He takes them to the best school of all: the streets of Paris! Under the aerial metro he teaches them ...
A Thousand Drawings In A Inkwell

Le livre pour les enfants qui veulent gribouiller des monstres, by Thomas Le Guern
Who is this purple hairy little creature He is a friendly and not so scary little monster who invites you to doodle cut-out shapes
Doodle, turn the page and ...
The Book for Children who Want to Doodle Monsters