La Chose du MéHéHéHé, by Sigrid Baffert and ill. Jeanne Macaigne
On the surface of the sea’s blue belly, things are serious. A Thing, with red and white stripes, hard as a giant shell and yet soft like seaweed, is floating. Something is up. Something big is up and, this time, it’s not sinking down. Mo, Saï, and Vish have seen some freaky things fall out of the sky. Pointy things, square things, mounds of plastic and sticks, black blobs raining down on their octopus heads. But a Thing like this, never. What’s more, there seems to be a surprise inside, something alive. Worse still, this Thing is almost as big as Krakenko, the orca ogress. Worst of all, the Thing has a mouth, and it’s probably a bit hungry. Time for an emergency Tcha-kou-tcha with the albino anemones, the horned crab and the entire colony of puffer shrimp. The hideyhole is buzzing with questions. What if the answer lies in the MéHéHéHé?
Polynia Novel Series, directed by Chloé Mary, 84 pages novel, 14 x 19 cm, colour illustrations, 9 years+
Rights sold: Vietnamese