La Nuit dans mon lit, by Julien Roux
Who has never experienced the fear caused by strange noises at night? The kind of noise that sets off your imagination and makes you think about the worst… Julien Roux embarks the reader on that path, but the brilliant graphic constraint he imagined, of making all the frightful elements of vivid multi-coloured triangles, wipes out the fear. Spiders, monsters, aliens… this crowd is named by the child and streams past under our eyes, but is magically kept at a distance. And sleep comes. When the child opens his eyes the next morning, all cheerful under his triangle-patterned blanket, his father is here and confides to him: “What people find scary lies nowhere else than in the eyes of the one who is scared…”
See the book trailer HERE
Hardcover picture book, 18x24cm, 32 pages
Rights sold: English (China), Korean