L'Herbier: petite flore des bois d'Europe, by Emilie Vast
Here is Emilie Vast’s new herbarium on the small flora from woods in Europe Both a botanical treatise and a beautiful book of images, it shows the plant with the details of its leave, ...
L’herbier – Small Wood Flora in Europe

Et si Tout ça n'était qu'un rêve, by Thierry Lenain and Irène Bonacina
Radhija is a girl who wonders: “and if I was just someone’s dream, of someone who dreams And when he wakes up, I may not exist anymore" She thus asks her mother, her ...
And if all this Was just a Dream

Le petit livre des souvenirs, by Kate Greenaway
This book was a bestseller between the 1880s and 1900s Charming colour plates for each month, one small illustration for each day, a verse and then some blank space to fill in with important events ...
Kate Greenaway’s Birthday Book

De l'origine des mathématiques, by Clémence Gandillot
If men find mathematics difficult, it is their own fault Clémence Gandillot ends her short essay on mathematics with this sententious conclusion And it perfectly summarizes her ideas: ...
About the Origin of Mathematics