Elle tourne comme ça, by Martine Laffon, illustrated by Icinori
For how long has the Earth been turning around the Sun That’s easy! Since four giants have been pushing it across the sky…
On a grey moon night, four giants started a big ...
This is How the Earth Turns

La fourmi, l'oiseau et le vaste monde, by Niels Thorez and illustrated by Valérie Michel
This is the hilarious, timeless tale of a pompous, loudmouth ant and its encounter with a wise, worldly bird The book’s theatrical tone, biting ...
The Ant, the Bird and the Wide, Wide World

Un éléphant ne peut pas monter dans un arbre, by Kotimi
Everyone has their limits, even an elephant, who’s not capable of climbing a tree But he can uproot it! A bird can’t knock down a tree, but it can fly! From cat to ...
Elephants Can’t Climb Trees

La Souris qui sauva toute une montagne, by Alain Serres and illustrated by Aurélia Fronty
A mouse wants to replace the precious milk she has just stolen from a child But nature has been ransacked, even on the great mountain of Sardinia ...
The Mouse Who Saved An Entire Mountain