La peau du lynx, by Mathilde Poncet
At the heart of the forest, a bobcat is being tracked by a hunter. The animals of the forest are scared but intend on saving the bobcat. “We’re off to see the seamstress, she will know what to do!” The seamstress will sow for the bobcat a coat of scenery, that will make him totally invisible to the hunter. The hunter will then lose the beast he was about to kill and will go whine about all the animals hating him to his sister… the seamstress! Our sad, disappointed hunter will cheer up whilst sowing and knitting.
With enchanting images that sometimes evoke medieval bestiaries, Mathilde Poncet allows us to immerse ourselves in the magic landscapes where she lives, fighting to protect the Nature dear to her heart.
Hardcover picture book, 22 x 27 cm, 48 pages
Selected among the WHITE RAVENS 2023
“This modern fairy tale elegantly makes a case for a gentler treatment of the natural world.”