Une sirène tombée du ciel, by Raphaële Frier and illustrated by Sandra Poirot-Chérif
Pierre, a fisherman and dreamer, sees a siren fall from the sky. Once, then twice – and each time an explosion sounds as the figure falls. The fisherman feels worried…
In the village Pierre finds out that a wicked circus owner is using her as a human cannonball – shooting her into the sky to fill his own pockets! Horrified by how the young woman is being treated, he resolves to be the hero who saves her from misfortune. The next time he hears the explosion he heads out to sea, but his boat hits a rock and he falls into the water!
The siren dives in to save his life! Then they set out to sea together. Using one of her hairs as a fishing line, and Pierre’s earring as a hook, love and the sea will sustain them, long into the future…
40 pages hardcover picturebook, 25.5 x 25.5 cm