Jeu de Pom, by Léa Louis
Upon waking, seven-year-old Pom is determined to find the brown bear that everyone is talking about. The courageous young heroine slips on her rubber boots and sets out for the park, looking for the ferocious creature that has ventured out of the forest in search of small children to devour. Where could it possibly be hiding? Not behind the elm or linden trees! As she continues through the park, even her wild imagination can’t distract her from her goal, for she misses her bear desperately! That’s when she notices the claw marks on a giant sequoia. What if she were to climb that tree? From her perch in the branches, she would probably be able to see out over the entire city. Pom scrambles skyward, and that’s when she finally finds her lost teddy bear!
Hardcover picture book, 23 x 32.5 cm, 48 pages

- TAGS :
- game
- teddy bear