Et si on redessinait le monde ?, by Daniel Picouly and Nathalie Novi
Revised and enlarged 2020 edition
This sumptuous picture book returns to the bookshops to tell us that there is an urgent need to redraw the world. The pandemic invites us to do so. Daniel Picouly gives us his expectations and utopias, in the company of old Atlas maps to which Nathalie Novi, particularly inspired, gives life. Pictures painted on old maps embody our dreams of a planet that is fairer, more nature-friendly and is inhabited by people who share art and friendship.
Beauty and utopia are part of the journey and, at the end of the book, the young reader is invited to express his desire for a new world.
Hardcover picture book, 48 pages, 28 x 35 cm
Rights sold: Catalan, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Simplified Chinese, Spanish (World)