Le rêve de Gaëtan Tapla, by Stéphanie Demasse-Pottier & Adèle Verlinden
Gaëtan Talpa has everything a young mole could dream of: a nice home, toys, hugs and a joyful gang of friends. There is Hedgehog Harry, Field-Mouse Joe, Spider Sam, Rodger Badger and Raoul Raccoon. There is no way anyone could be bored in such good company. However, Gaëtan wishes he had a tree, but no ordinary tree: a honey slug tree. What can one do without seeds to plant such a tree? Through dedication, friends and a little fantasy, the small mole reminds us that when there is a will, there is a way!
32 pages hardcover picture book, 18,5 x 34 cm, 3 years +

- TAGS :
- dream
- friendship
- happiness