Tous dehors! En ville, by Patrick and Manon Luneau
This book is an invitation to investigate the neighbourhood, explore under bridges, find wolf spiders, eat your own landart, smell the park – there’s no end to the different activities children aged 2 to 12 can beoffered to help them discover nature in towns and cities.
Encourage your kids to get out and enjoy the great outdoors within easy reach of your home! Everyone Out! In Towns And Cities is there to help you.
Activities are presented step by step with real-life photos and simple explanations. Indexes by season and by age can be used to pick an urban nature activity perfect for any time of year tailored to the children taking part.
Non-fiction series, paperback activity books, 17 x 26 cm, 144 pages, five other titles available

The Everyone out! series is designed to help parents, grandparents, workshop leaders and educators enjoy outdoor nature activities with children.