L‘énigme de l’île flottante, by Paul Cox
A new adventure of Archiblad the Koala, Detective
On Rastepappe Island, objects mysteriously disappear Shows have to be cancelled, the newspaper can no longer be printed, even chef Archiparmentier’s ...
Archibald and the Riddle of the Floating Island

12345compter en s'amusant, by Robert Doisneau
Major photographer of the 20th century, Robert Doisneau created four children’s books This one was published in 1955 Robert Doisneau staged his daughters, Annette and Francine, their friends and their ...
1 2 3 4 5, counting and having fun

Le mystère de l’eucalyptus, by Paul Cox
On Rastepappe Island, the koalas from Koalatown and the badgers from Badgertown live peacefully and enjoy each other’s company Koalatown inhabitants love to go to the opera and ...
Archibald and the Mystery of the Eucalyptus

Histoire de la petite pomme qui ne voulait pas être mangée, by Bertrand Ruillé and Mila Boutan
Once upon a time on an apple tree, there was a little green apple that didn’t want to grow up because she didn’t want to be eaten In the ...
The Story of the Little Apple That Didn’t Want to be Eaten