Jeux et activités d’intérieur, by Stéphanie Jaunet and Valérie Carreno
This title offers activities for boys and girls to make paper creations, learn how to draw, share scientific experiments, investigate, learn magic tricks, and have fun inside!
Each activity is presented as a step-by-step workshop, illustrated with photographs that show the activity in a realistic and practical manner. The texts are simple and straightforward. Complementary texts provide surprising or intriguing information, linked to the suggested activity. Stickers are added to make a lively layout. The layout highlights the concept of a book of creative activities with a taste for scientific investigation. Mysteries and clues have to be found. It is full of intriguing and funny visual elements, with secret codes, and the whole project invites the child to do things by himself/herself and as best as he/she can. Bright and funny illustrations provide the humour and joyful touch that leads the child through his/her discoveries and experiences.
A treasure trove for all sorts of distractions, whatever the moment: this title propose intelligent activities for hours of games with friends!
Hardcover with 3mm foam & round corners, full colour throughout, 56 pages plus endpapers and 2 pages of stickers, 22.5 x 26 cm
Rights sold: Spanish