24 heures dans le monde, by Sandrine Mirza and Atelier Cartographik
Did you know that the people in Ecuador travel 40,075 kilometres in a single day without moving an inch? That the Earth shakes about 250 times each day? In the meantime, each human being breathes enough air to blow up 87 inflatable boats and each bee collects pollen from up to 700 flowers… So many things happen in 24 hours! This amazing book is full of information on space, the Earth and its oceans, nature, school and hobbies, the human body and a lot more for you to discover.
An Okidokid creation for Gulf Stream Editeur. Hardcover non fiction – 8-12 years – 24 x 29 cm – 48 pages

- TAGS :
- curiosity
- documentary
- world